Molina de Segura welcomes the conclusion of the work day on people in socially excluded: mental health and support processes on Friday 16 November, organized by the Ministry of Health and Social Policy in the Region of Murcia and the Municipality of Molina de Segura.
The opening ceremony will take place at 09.00 am in the auditorium of the Centro Las Balsas (Calle Cartagena, near the Plaza of the taps), and is payable by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, and Secretary General of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, Martin Sanchez Quiñonero.
They are accompanied by the Councillor for Social Welfare, Lola Vicente Quiles.
Mental illness can be a cause or consequence that a person may be going through a process of social exclusion.
From this perspective requires a combined and coordinated action by the different services and resources involved in the care of people experiencing social exclusion.
This Day, the ninth to be held since Accompaniment Programme for Social Inclusion, intended as a space for reflection on the networking between mental health services, social services and social initiatives.
The purpose of the conference is to present good practices on addressing mental health issues from the professional coordination of social services, mental health services and social initiatives in the Region of Murcia, and enhance coordination and cooperation of mental health professionals, social initiative and social services in primary care the care of people experiencing social exclusion.
It is aimed at professionals in the field of mental health, social services, social initiative and other social protection systems.
- 08:45 h.: Registration.
- 09:00 h.: Inauguration Day.
- 09:30 h.: WebCast Day, by Antonio Ripoll Spiteri, Head of Planning and Evaluation of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy.
- 09:45 h.: Panel on Mental health, social exclusion and accompanying processes.
Participants: Lentisco Carmen Torres, Educator team of Molina de Segura PAIN; Rose Mula Rabal, Director, Center for Social Services Eagles; Fernando Lojo Fritschi, psychiatrist and director of the Mental Health Center of Lorca, Juan Antonio Valverde Gonzalez, Psychologist Emmaus Ragpickers Association of Murcia.
Moderator: Jesus Salmeron Ruiz, President of EAPN Murcia.
- 10:45 h.: Shift word.
- 11:30 h.: Rest.
- 12:00 h.: Workshops for group work.
Workshop 1: Coordination and cooperation.
Coordinator: Bartolomé Ruiz Periago, Psychologist of the General Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Care Murcia Health Service.
Workshop 2: Homelessness and mental health.
Coordinator: Javier Morales Ortiz, Psychologist.
Workshop 3: Dual Pathology and social exclusion.
Coordinator: Ricardo Ortega Garcia Cartagena Psychiatrist DAC.
Workshop 4: Group dynamic processes in accompaniment.
Coordinator: Celes Abellon Garcia, Psychologist AFESMO.
- 14:00 h.: Sharing of the findings of the workshops.
- 14:30 h.: End of session.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura