The municipal group of IU-Greens in the city of Molina de Segura vote against the proposal of the government team to increase taxes and public fees, which will be discussed at an extraordinary plenary session next Monday, November 12.
So today expressed spokesman left formation, Antonio Lopez, who has accused the consistory to raise taxes "without the least regard the economic hard times being experienced by a significant proportion of families."
In this regard, he recalled that Molina citizenship "has endured this year two parallel increases of Property Tax (IBI), a 10 percent on the initiative of the central government and another three per cent by the City".
"To this must be added the rising price of water, the increase in VAT, the high rate of unemployment, wage cuts, the dismantling of the public health and education that is leading the PP, and involving more precarious for society. "
Lopez said that "it seems that there were two different realities, one the public administration, which, in its glass castle taking steps that stifle the neighbors, and another marked by rising unemployment, precariousness and evictions ".
Source: IURM