Agents of the Police Headquarters of Murcia, belonging to the local police station of Molina de Segura, two youths were arrested on suspicion of robbery with violence and intimidation committed in the town of Molina de Segura during last August.
The incident occurred at that time when the victim was about to enter his home after closing the bar he owned in the city center.
At that time he was attacked by two people who beat him and shot down to snatch the 3,800 euros he carried with him, and mobile phones.
Once you know the facts, the agents began an investigation that led to the identification of perpetrators, two Romanian youth 24 and 28 years of age.
Subsequently managed to locate them, proceeding to his arrest for the past 4 and 6 October.
At check performed at the home of one of the detainees was operated mobile phone stolen from the victim during the assault.
Both have already been made available at the disposal of the magistrate court in guard functions Molina de Segura.
Source: Jefatura Superior de Policía de Murcia