The Socialist Municipal Group has promoted and presented a proposal on behalf of the Motion mental health, work and against AFESMO copayment imposed unfairly Valcárcel people affected by mental illness and users of the center and puts AFESMO endanger the work of many years and many people, family and professional
A proposal of the Municipal Group PSOE, Oct. 9 held an extraordinary plenary session to commemorate World Mental Health (October 10), which approved a joint motion proposed by the Group of the PSOE, which has been Group agreed with the PP.
The PSOE Municipal Group believes that cutting measures imposed by the governments of Valcárcel and Rajoy, as the new "co-payment" for the region through the Law 6/2012, of June 29, 2012 or those derived from Royal Decree-Law 20/2012, of 13 July, which restrain the people affected by mental illness and do not take into account the reality of these people.
It is therefore strongly opposes this copayment and calls for the withdrawal of the measures and cuts in the health system and social health, because they represent a drastic cut in existing resources and are beginning to be felt negatively effects between affected individuals and their families,
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura