Socialist spokesman, Antonio Gomariz, Contreras asks you "raise your voice and face" to solve the problem of extraordinary floods in Molina de Segura.
The PSOE Municipal Group regrets the damages and economic losses and materials that have caused floods and flood water caused by the rains of Friday, September 28 in many neighborhoods and districts of Molina de Segura, primarily in the Barrios San Antonio, Punta del Lugar Center and Santa Rita.
The Socialist Party calls on the Mayor to "raise your voice" in defense of molinenses and ensure that the project is in the State Budget 2013, and ensures that the Socialist Group adds to fulfill this requirement, city spokesman says Antonio Gomariz.
The impact of water is more and more visible in the neighborhoods around the Rambla del Chorrico, but other areas also suffer, as the Santa Rita, with flooding of homes, which suffered in June, or the hamlet El Romeral, whose streets are flooded with large accumulations of mud and large rocks and potholes three days after rainfall.
Just today, the Socialist Party has called for urgent action in the area so that residents can seamlessly access streets and homes and not prolong this situation shattered streets.
Considers Gomariz Antonio Contreras, Valcárcel and Rajoy must be clear that Molina requires an urgent solution to this old problem and that is of paramount importance, and it is an investment that is above many others.
There are now four or five occasions in the last two or three years in which Molina de Segura suffered severe flooding and extraordinary avenues involving huge costs and losses to the City, shops, businesses and homes.
The Socialist Party has denounced this investment and required at least five times in the last three years, because it is a very serious problem that we are concerned and it is urgent to solve, explains Antonio Gomariz.
The Socialist Group has requested information on the costs in the last three years has faced the City Council to restore normalcy after the extraordinary floods.
It has also requested an assessment of the overall damage to businesses, shops and housing, information considered necessary and make public.
Finally, Antonio Contreras Gomariz reminded that the agreement is in breach of the Whole May 2012, which approved a proposal of the Socialist Group to create the Special Commission of the proposed monitoring solution avenues and with participation of the neighbors .
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura