The Municipal asks Contreras answers and a radical change to stop the decline of the local economy that continues since 2007.
The Group considers that the PSOE Municipal Molina de Segura need a radical change in municipal policy to help create jobs and give hope to families, youth and businesses.
According Antonio Gomariz, Socialist spokesman in the City, tax increases and cuts in government Contreras and Rajoy, attached to the labor reform only produced more unemployment and more social problems in the form of higher unemployment and fewer contracts, more difficulties to access public services and more trouble making ends meet.
Between January and August 2012, the number of people registered as unemployed has continued to increase, and compared to an average of 6377 people registered in that period in 2011, this year is 7028, a 10.2% increase.
If you stick to the period of implementation of labor reform, from April to August 2012, the percentage of people registered as unemployed has continued to increase every month about 2011, namely a 10.34% increase.
More worryingly for Socialist Spokesman is falling in this period of more than 5% of the number of contracts, namely contracts 316 less.
The failure of labor reform, supported by Contreras, is evident, especially since "they promised they would hire more people, especially young people, and the only thing being served is to facilitate layoffs, hiring EREs and less."
This has a direct negative impact on the economy of Molina de Segura, which will be aggravated by the disastrous extent of depriving hundreds of public employees a part of the floor to eliminate extra pay in December and in terms of local employment could assess in the loss of dozens of contracts or jobs in the months of December and January next.
Contreras's liability is greater because his plan of cuts and tax increases mean more sacrifices for molinenses and runs counter to recovery for Molina de Segura.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura