The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, by the Minister for Universities and Research Company, Jose Ballesta Germain, signed this morning at 10:30 am in the auditorium of the Ministry, the collaboration agreement between the Institute for the Promotion of Murcia and the city of Molina de Segura for the implementation of actions to promote unique local entrepreneurship, business creation and business development "Municipality Entrepreneur".
The ceremony was also attended by the director of the Institute of Development, Juan Hernandez, Councillor Development and Employment of the City of Molina de Segura, Sonia Carrillo Marble and Deputy Mayor and Councillor Lopez Molina opening Worship
The regional government and the municipality of Molina de Segura pushing a plan with more than 50 measures for entrepreneurs and new companies.
The Ministry of Universities and Research Company, through the Institute of Development, Molina de Segura grant the distinction of 'Township Entrepreneur "by the implementation of this Plan
The streamlining of procedures, fiscal and tax measures, and removing bureaucratic obstacles are some of the measures to foster entrepreneurship
The Minister said that "Molina de Segura has been chosen to host the 'Enterprising Person Day' on 17 October"
The Ministry of Universities and Research Company, through the Instituto de Fomento de la Region de Murcia (Info), today signed an agreement with the city of Molina de Segura to develop a plan to promote entrepreneurial initiatives and entrepreneurship, including more than 50 measures that will enable the City to obtain the distinction of 'Township Entrepreneur'.
The agreement provides for the adoption of 53 measures to stimulate entrepreneurial activity that are grouped in 8 different areas and will involve action by both the Institute of Development and the local entity.
The planned specific measures to encourage entrepreneurship in primary schools and secondary schools and in vocational training will explore business opportunities in the municipality in order to foster entrepreneurship in these fields and promote aid to facilitate the accommodation of new businesses in the 'business incubator' located in the Industrial Area of ​​the Merganser, among other measures.
Fiscal and administrative simplification
The Comprehensive Plan reflects the commitment of the City of Molina de Segura to promote the financing of new business activities and to promote tax incentives for new businesses that create jobs.
Also, promote the reduction of administrative burdens for entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises, and will join the City to the 'Red Dot Advice and Processing' which will create a telematics companies from the City Council website.
The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras said that "Molina de Segura is working very actively on proposals to facilitate job creation and strengthening of the role of entrepreneurs in the municipality. It's time to be nimble in public administration and maximum ease of entrepreneurial initiatives. This agreement is to improve those policies that require commitment and continuity. "
José Ballesta said that "now more than ever it is time for government to overturn in implementing innovative and creative measures to assist the business community, promote entrepreneurship and eliminate red tape. We must become more useful and targeted authorities to facilitate and provide services to our SMEs, "says José Ballesta.
Distinction 'Municipality entrepreneur'
With the implementation of these measures, Molina de Segura will be declared 'Entrepreneurial Municipality', a pioneering initiative in Spain that is developing the Ministry of Universities, Business and Research through the Institute of Development and "allow municipalities to participate actively on business development in their municipality, "said Jose Ballesta.
The project "Municipal Entrepreneur ', who took his first steps in April by signing the agreement with the city of Alhama, and in June with the town of Cehegin, is open to all municipalities of the Region of Murcia assume commitment to implement a custom package to support business activities in your area.
Finally, the regional director said that "Molina de Segura has been chosen to host the 'Enterprising Person Day' on 17 October, an event that is national and that the Region will be held in this county for their commitment to entrepreneurs ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura