Agents of the National Police, belonging to the local police station in Molina de Segura, have involved 80,000 kilograms of copper in a warehouse in the town, where they were stored, without being responsible for the establishment could prove the origin of the material.
The police operation is part of the operating plan the National Police has been developing in waste treatment centers and wholesale trade of scrap and waste products through inspections and extensive monitoring of all movements materials that manage these centers.
The facts date back to last July 6 when one of these inspections the agents detect a large amount of copper and nonferrous metals stored in a warehouse in the town, namely 80 tons of material disposed to melt.
During the inspection the officers could see that the ship lacks any permit compulsory licenses for the development of the activity that takes place, at any time can not prove the origin of the tons of copper and the other material.
Given these facts and following the current action protocol, the agents proceeded to the seizure of the material, proposing the establishment loa responsible for the corresponding administrative penalties.
Investigations are now focused on trying to determine the origin of seized metal, with the possibility that it could come from criminal activities.
The recovered material has an estimated market value of 456,000 euros.
Source: Jefatura Superior de Policía de Murcia