Patrols of Police Local Molina de Segura, aimed at monitoring and control for preventing theft of seasonal fruits, have prevented the theft of 500 kilograms of apricots, sensing that these agricultural products had been packaged and prepared to remove them later.
Have been taking the appropriate steps, locating the owner of the farm to take care of that fruit.
Also during this weekend, local officials have made several identifications of vehicles and people who were hanging around the areas of fruit Campotéjar, The Fenazar, Comala and The Albarda suspiciously, trying some of them to flee and after being intercepted by police as finding fruit that was allegedly stolen property in the vehicle.
Councilman Public Safety, City Fortunato Arias, emphasized "the effort and good work being done by members of the local police to prevent thefts in the areas of fruit and the rest of the town, and I want to acknowledge the substantial contributions of farmers and neighbors with the police, to avoid committing these criminal acts. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura