Local Police Molina de Segura has started from the first day of May, a plan to prevent thefts and robberies of fruit in the field and orchard area of ​​the municipality, which will last until July, as reported by the City Council Public Safety and local police, Fortunato Arias City.
"This initiative is intended to avoid, where possible, these thefts and robberies, and to respond and protect the security demands of the farmers in the area, whose effort, investment, labor, and therefore their economies depend heavily on these months of collecting, trying from the local police that work and effort to develop normally and especially security, "said the councilman.
The plan consists primarily of the increased police presence in those areas where the fruit is at the time of collection, where the presence of the police is already a deterrent to potential criminal behavior.
In this sense, the patrols and monitoring of such agents have been strengthened in places where it increases the possibility of theft of fruit twenty-four hours a day, including weekends and mainly in the central space of the day, nights and early mornings .
Also periodically hold interviews with farmers and representatives neighborhood (village headman, presidents of neighborhood associations, etc..), For information.
The Department of Public Safety has also sought the cooperation of other neighbors, who can report on any possible situation of police interest through the following telephone numbers: 092, 112, 968 and 968 93 99 00 38 85 67.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura