National Police, assigned to the police station in Molina de Segura, have broken up an organized group that carried out robberies to seniors in their homes in that locality.
The investigation began last January, when residents of Molina de Segura claimed to have been stolen from their homes by a number of people using violence were snatched cash and gold jewelry.
Analyzing the information gathered, the officers could see that the thefts were initially performed in the same way, acting in groups of two or four, were presented in homes where they had previously found that elderly and living alone were wooing whose trust by offering selling raffle papers alleged.
Not to get into the home by this procedure, the victims were beaten.
Some of the victims was even tied to a chair while the house ransacked.
In other cases, assailants entered the fuerzauna After opening the door of the residence, carrying their faces covered with ski masks to hinder identification.
Investigations culminated on 2 April with the arrest of two members of the criminal group, both Spanish nationals and 20 and 27 years of age, respectively.
At check practiced at home were operated some of the stolen items.
The data obtained in investigations officers have been able to confirm the participation of prisoners in three violent robberies in households and a burglary at a local church and a burglary in a vehicle.
Detainees charged with these crimes became available to the Court of Instruction No. Four of Molina de Segura, who ordered his imprisonment.
The Local officers from the Judicial Police of Molina de Segura research continues to identify more members of the group and clarify other potential criminal offenses committed by this group.
Source: Jefatura Superior de Policía de Murcia