Cristina Munoz and Carlos Montaner Vigueras Campos, components of the Rings racing team, won a first and second place in their respective categories in the day on Sunday, in the nineteenth Trophy Infanta Elena of national jumping ponies held on 31, 1 and 2 April at the Club Sek in Madrid.
This past weekend was held in Madrid, Club SEK, the nineteenth Trophy Breaks Infanta Elena of ponies with the participation of over two hundred pairs from all over Spain.
The best horsemen and women, 6 to 16, from all over Spain gathered in Madrid to play the traditional national contest and jumping ponies including Complex racing team Rings (The Alcayna) formed by the Amazon Cristina Muñoz Vigueras with Kiki de Faubel, and the rider Carlos Montaner Fields with Domino and Licorice.
Cristina Munoz scored in C2 with Kiki de Faubel second in a hotly contested trial and Carlos Montaner with Domino got a first place in B2, rising test winner sponsored by Phoskitos.
Carlos Montaner with Licorice managed to qualify for the final of ponies to being in twelfth place.
Spectacular debut of Cristina and Carlos in Madrid.
The complex rings, once again, continues to bring to the equestrian sport Murcia wins national competition with his team of young talent.
Source: Complejo Aros