The Socialist Municipal Group, after visiting the works of children's center being built in the hamlet of Llano de Molina, calls to accelerate its completion and opening as soon as possible to meet the needs of families in Llano de Molina de Segura.
The Socialist Group calls on Autonomous Contreras and make their best interest in this work, the Education Plan of the Ministry of Education 0-3, that must be completed and delivered before December 31, accumulating and a delay of almost 3 months.
When children's center opens, their new positions will join the center of Glen Ages, which opened in 2011 and Molina de Segura will have 212 new places for children under 3 years, fulfilling the target set by the Spain's previous government, in collaboration with the Autonomous Community and land ceded by the City.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura