The Municipal Corporation of Molina de Segura adopted in plenary on 26 March unanimously Socialist Group Two proposals to improve access to various social services, public and industrial estates.
Specifically, it is access from the highway center ASTRADE Chorrico and Los Juncos, located next to a gas station, which now constitutes a zone of insecurity, which many people also attend a pedestrian walkway.
The other area is the Avenida de la Industria (also known as N-301), at the entrances to businesses located on both sides of the same in meaning Molina de Segura-Madrid.
The PSOE's proposal approved requests a new access to ITV, the employment services and businesses in addition to a redesign of the last roundabout before joining the A-30, a source of continuous accidents, as well as improvements in the road surface, whose tunnels are a permanent danger to vehicles and people.
According to Antonio Gomariz said Spokesman Municipal socialist "with these small investments we intend to facilitate and improve the daily lives of thousands of molinenses, trying to make the crisis and cuts in Plan setting Contreras and Rajoy not paralyze the City."
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura