The Department of Citizenship of the City of Molina de Segura and the Federation of Neighbourhood Associations of Molina de Segura Interbarrios have scheduled a total of 17 information meetings in the social centers of the municipality to explain the implementation of the Statute of Molina Citizenship de Segura (EPC).
The first will take place on Thursday 15 March at 20.00 pm in the auditorium of the Center Las Balsas (Calle Cartagena, near the Plaza of the taps).
The Citizen Participation Statute was approved unanimously by the Full Council on February 5, 2007, and is primarily intended to order the actions to improve the exercise of the rights of citizens to participate in public affairs, establishing the bodies of citizen participation municipality.
As explained by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, "in that first stage was successfully completed a phase of work, public debate and political participation with a statute that emerged from the citizens themselves, a pioneering statute, which includes the right to information and participation, and encourages decision-making capacity in the municipal management of all citizens, regardless of the election date every four years. "
"Having completed the stage of adoption of the regulation that develops, adds the mayor, we are presented with the challenge of developing participatory structures envisaged in the Statute and open governance to the citizens. And at this stage consider fundamental process prior information to all citizens organizations Molina, who now hold those responsible for Interbarrios through assemblies in the social centers of the municipality. "
In accordance with the Statute of Citizen Participation, the organs of public participation in the municipality are: the Local Board of Participation, whose scope covers the entire municipality of Area Boards, the scope of each area includes territorial and municipal councils, sector bodies to participate.
"There is a local government willing to accept responsibility on behalf of which I am committed to public affairs open to the public and, indeed, the Statute of Citizen Participation is a great chance," Eduardo Contreras.
The schedule of information meetings is as follows:
MARCH 2012
(All informational meetings will begin at 20.00 hours, except
Sunday 25, at 11.30 hours and on Saturdays 24 and 31, at 17.00)
HEART: Day 15, Center Las Balsas
SAN MIGUEL AND HOUSE ROS: DAY 20, Community Center of San Miguel
B ° THE CASTLE AND CENTER: Day 20, Community Center Castle
SAN JOSE / LOS ANGELES: DAY 22 in the Social Center of the B ° San Jose
Heart of La Ribera de Molina: Day 22 in the social center of the hamlet
SAN ROQUE B °: DAY 23 in downtown San Roque (The Association joins Molineta)
THE ROMERAL / FARM: SUNDAY 25 in their social center
B ° The CARMEN: Day 26 at the community center
B ° FATIMA: Day 26 at the community center
ESTATES: DAY 27 in the Municipal Center of The Alcayna
B ° SAN ANTONIO: Day 29, as social center
B ° RAFT OF LINEN: Day 29, as social center
THE PLAIN OF MOLINA: SATURDAY 31 in the People's House
GARDEN AREAS: will join Llanelli
Hightower: date to be determined
COUNTRY AREAS IN THE BRAVE: Saturday 24, in the social
AREAS OF THE COUNTRY Fenazar: date to be determined
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura