The Municipal Socialist Group supports the City Council to pay debts to suppliers, to be good for companies and freelancers, but it can become a business for the banks or a ruin to our City.
The credits must have an interest rate and reasonable time, not more suffocating our City.
Antonio Gomariz Spokesperson Municipal Socialist, is concerned about some aspects decreed by Rajoy, who are disturbing for our council, which go against municipal autonomy and may question the autonomy of the Whole, for example, auditors end up having more power or authority mayors in places.
Antonio Gomariz asked to convene an extraordinary meeting of Speakers and a Finance Committee to clarify the terms of the debts of the city of Molina de Segura, credit, interest rates are not abusive, waiting periods and reasonable time, the adjustment plan can be approved, the role of auditors, etc..
The Municipal Group PSOE argued that local groups support the measure, but also with equal strength to defend municipal autonomy and propose initiatives in this direction to improve the payment of debts owed the City.
The Socialist Group also argues that forcing the autonomous regions to a similar plan, especially the region of Murcia, one that has a higher deficit and hundreds of millions of euros of debt, but above all, local councils should be preferential creditors, because due to the City Council Valcárcel Molina de Segura lot of money.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura