The conference on the Spanish Civil War as seen by Americans (Lincoln Brigade and the representations of the Spanish Civil War), by Professor of Spanish Culture at Arcadia University (Philadelphia), Joanne Lucena, will take place on Tuesday 13 March, at 20.00 pm in the Library Salvador García Aguilar (in Chorrico Avenue, No. 44), organized by the Department of Culture of the City of Molina de Segura.
Accompany him on the spot molinense writer Paco López Mengual.
Joanne Lucena was born in Cape Town (South Africa) and 8 years he moved to the United States, the state of Pennsylvania.
PhD in Hispanic and BA in Psychology and Professor of Spanish Culture at Arcadia University (Philadelphia), where he teaches courses on the Spanish Civil War and Contemporary Literature in Castilian.
Write reviews of various American magazines on literature in Castilian in the late twentieth and early twenty-first.
About 5,000 Americans fought in the Spanish Civil War volunteers, grouped at the Lincoln Brigade and the return of these volunteers to the U.S., there was a large crop of writers and singers associated with the war in Spain.
Joanne uses this as the starting point of its course.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura