The Youth Council of the City of Molina de Segura, through the Youth Space The Basement, has launched its range of free activities for the months of March to June 2012, aimed at young people aged between 13 and 30.
The program has been designed in collaboration with youth associations in the municipality.
The activities are free and registration can be done in the same space Young, afternoon, and the Youth Council (Building The Seals), in the morning.
The Basement is a municipal facility free public use by young people in general and youth associations that seek to promote participation.
In it, besides the activity rooms, room free internet access and a point of information, there is a meeting with board games, simulation, gaming and ongoing activities.
The center is located at the Comprehensive Center Ceramics (at Avenida de Madrid, No. 68) and is open from 17.30 to 20.30.
Scheduled activities include:
- March 8: Figures pixelated, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- March 9: Karaoke, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- 12 and 13 March: Workshop Fimo, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
Organized by the Youth Association of the District of Fatima.
- March 15: Dreamcatcher, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- March 16: Introduction to Role, from 17.30 to 20.30 h.
- March 22 balloon twisting, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- March 23: Games of Memory, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- March 29: Makeup Fantasy, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- March 30: Poker Texas Holden, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- 16 and April 18: Speed ​​Painting, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
Association's Pure State.
- April 19: Bracelets and Pendants from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- April 20: Games of Perception, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- 23 and April 25: Speed ​​Painting, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
Association's Pure State.
- April 26: Painting of Miniatures, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- April 27: Introduction to Blood Bowl, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- May 3: Make your plate, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- May 4: Social Games, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- 7 and May 9: Animation Interactive Digital, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
Association's Area 51.
- May 10: Workshop on Watermarks, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- May 11: Film Choreography Grease, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
Organised by the Association bailao do I remove it.
- 14 and May 15: Painting of Miniatures, 18:00 and 19:00 h.
Association's Role in Molina de Segura.
- May 17: Figures 3D, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- May 18: Introduction to Role, from 17.30 to 20.30 h.
- May 24: Pictures of Felt, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- May 25: Tournament Wii Sport, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- May 31: Portfolios Comic, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- June 1: Choreography Bolliwood, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
Organised by the Association bailao do I remove it.
- June 7: Workshop of Mark, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- June 8: Introduction to HeroClix, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- June 14: balloon twisting, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- June 15: Introduction to Role, from 17.30 to 20.30 h.
- June 21: Bracelets and Pendants from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- June 22: Table Tennis Tournament, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- June 28: Workshop Keychains, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
- June 29: Games of Strategy, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
- June 29: Dance Contest, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura