The departments of Health and Sports City of Molina de Segura and molinense Association for Rare Disorders (AMER) have organized a program of activities to commemorate the World Day of Rare Diseases, to be held on Sunday March 4.
One of the biggest events that will begin at 10.30 am, leaving from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, is R for Hope benefit race on a circuit of 500 meters that can be spin walking, jogging or running, for 1 hour.
Citizens are asked to show their solidarity by exercising.
The race can be done individually or participating to a collective.
Thus, there will be 6 categories: health center more caring, more cohesive neighborhood association, association membership / health more cohesive, more united women's association, association of older people more caring, and supportive sports club.
All participants will make a voluntary contribution to the Association molinense Rare Diseases (AMER) and receive a diploma.
Moreover, and from 09.30 hours in the Leisure Park Los Juncos (in Chorrico Road), will be held a football tournament Prebenjamin 7 (with the participation of clubs: Deportivo Isol, Altorreal Sports School San Miguel Football, College Football Molina and Molina Football Club) and a children's paddle championship.
In addition, throughout the morning, in the same Leisure Park Los Juncos, there will be attractions for all public and ciclocars, trampolines, Viking ship, merry, playground ball, climbing wall, paintball laser, etc..
The day will conclude with the awards ceremony and a popular food joint.
The councilors of Sports and Health, Sonia Vicente Carrillo Marble and Lola Quiles, respectively, invited "all citizens of Molina de Segura to show their solidarity with all people with rare and participate in the many activities the city of Molina Segura has been prepared by the Association AMER. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura