Rajoy's government, in its line of saying one thing and do the opposite, has removed the incentives for renewable energy through the adoption of Royal Decree-Law 1/2012, a blow to a sensitive sector, and to present and future employment in our town and in the region, with serious direct impact on our local and regional economy.
Molina de Segura unanimously defended and promoted clean energy and renewable alternatives as a strategic sector for our city and the region of Murcia, in order to refocus our production model and create new jobs.
We also have industry-leading companies with projects in place and an Ordinance on solar energy capture thermal and photovoltaic applications in which the City is committed repeatedly with clean energy and alternatives.
The PSOE PP expected to vote in favor of maintaining aid and that adds to ask the Government to halt the cuts Rajoy and the abolition of subsidies to renewable energy sector, because it hurts Molina de Segura and is a measure harmful to our local and regional economy.
Antonio Gomariz Spokesperson Socialist regrets this as detrimental to businesses and the use of Molina, which is the result of haste and improvisation, while seeking to develop and implement a Plan of Reorganization true in the system of allocation of premiums Sector of the generation of electricity using renewable energy to end the uncertainty in the industry.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura