Mayor Molina de Segura and Vice President of the Commission on Information Society and New Technologies of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), Eduardo Contreras Linares, has participated in the II National Congress Interoperability and Security (CNIS) held in Madrid on 22 and 23 February at the headquarters of the National Mint and Stamp.
Eduardo Contreras has appeared in the opening ceremony and a panel discussion called MODERNIZATION OF CITIES ACROSS THE TICS.
A bet required, along with three other political leaders of different Spanish towns.
In developing the debate covered issues of public interest related to eGovernment in the municipalities and their interoperability with other public administrations.
In this sense, Contreras Linares explained modernization projects molinense implanted in the Consistory, as the electronic signature system for documents on internal processes in the area of ​​Finance, the new City Guide, the new Contractor Profile through the State Procurement Platform, or the Citizen Folder - since 2005 - available to the public for consultation via the web on the population census, receipts, property, records and logs incoming and outgoing, besides allowing thirty electronic applications different.
It currently has more than 2,600 citizens released, and an average of 1,000 electronic applications treated annually.
In addition, on January 30, the Municipal Council approved the eGovernment Municipal Regulations, pursuant to Law 11/2007 Citizens' Electronic Access to Public Services, which, soon to be enabled in the Electronic Office the city of Molina de Segura.
Eduardo Contreras also referred to the various projects implemented in the City molinense in the area of ​​interoperability and security, stressing the firm commitment to ICT in the municipality through the continuous training of its staff and conventions with other public bodies for the full implementation of eGovernment in Molina de Segura.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura