Socialist spokesman, Antonio Gomariz, announces that the Socialists are on Monday to the full the request for assistance to carriers of goods and travelers from Molina de Segura to the virtual disappearance of aid for commercial diesel fuel that has entered into force on January 1 .
The Municipal Group PSOE calls for unity among all political groups in the City Council to defend the transport sector molinense and fight for compensation to the drastic cuts imposed by the Government of Rajoy.
These cuts will adversely affect the transport companies Molina de Segura, essentially autonomous, in particular those of trucks, buses and taxis, companies deeply rooted in Molina de Segura.
Antonio Gomariz believes that "we can not remain insensitive and arms crossed, we must defend our carriers, buses and taxis, which are an essential part of the local economy."
It also states that "we will require the Government Valcárcel compensation measures for the sector, because these cuts will cost you Rajoy each autonomous Molina driver or entrepreneur lost about 1,400 € per vehicle per year"
The Socialist Party criticized the lack of reaction of PP de Molina and asks to join the defense of local transport, to avoid a competitive disadvantage with other communities that have adopted compensatory measures.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura