IU-Molina de Segura Greens today called on the mayor, Eduardo Contreras, that is "consistent" and lower the salary, established in more than 72,000 per year, one of the highest in the Region of Murcia.
Councilman leftist organization in the municipality, Antonio Lopez, has indicated that Contreras has remained "intact" their earnings over the previous legislature, despite the "seriousness" of the economic situation.
Lopez has also called for reducing the salaries of council members who comprise the government team.
Thus, recalled that the first deputy mayor earns 4273 euros a month, and released the rest of 3795, all with 14 annual payments.
"We need to show solidarity with the situation that they describe as very difficult and delicate, when other efforts required to pay, as they have done with City employees, who have cut their payroll and benefits" she added.
It has therefore encouraged Contreras and his government team to "have a sign with molinense citizenship, and be the first to set an example when asking for sacrifices."
Source: IURM