The Council of the Agenda 21 Local de Molina de Segura met Monday December 12 at the Plenary Hall of municipal and approved the annual report of the Local Action Plan and the creation of a task force that energizes the evaluation work sustainability of the municipality.
During the meeting, chaired Councillor for Environment, Worship Molina Lopez, also agreed that the Local Agenda 21 is present in social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
The new task force will allow the social partners in Molina de Segura their active participation in future annual reviews of the Local Action Plan.
This document contains 68 specific actions, grouped into 6 broad strategic (and Social Welfare Human Environment, Natural Environment and Biodiversity, Territorial Organization and Mobility, Urban Environment, Environmental Intervention tools, and Municipal Management) objectives set by the Council for meet within ten years since its approval in March 2010.
The annual report of the Local Action Plan analyzes the degree of implementation of the same in the city, reaching 38% in its first year, exceeding initial expectations.
The full City Council agreed in December Molina 2009, Molina 21 Constitution of the Council as an advisory body to promote co-responsibility and public participation in municipal life, in order to improve the quality of life for present and future generations.
In the same session approved the statutes that are intended to establish the basic principles of operation of the Board Molina 21, which is constituted in January 2010.
His presidency is held by the Mayor or Councillor appointed by him, and consists of twenty-five members, representing political groups, other governments, environmental organizations, a representative of teachers and schools, a representative of rural and agricultural agents various social and economic groups in the municipality.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura