The Socialist Municipal Group announced through his spokesman, Antonio Gomariz, filing a claim against a rise of 4.57% of the receipt of waste by 2012, to be withdrawn and the rate remains "frozen".
This rise in addition to those that have been happening since 2008, they have made paying a 54,% increase in the years of crisis.
For the PSOE this increase is not justified, since in 2012 is not going to make new investments in technology and vehicles or in addition, this year has reduced by 10% the wages of service workers, cut wages not recover during 2012.
The complaint notes that it is justified not exactly concrete and detailed cost of service, especially the chapter staff, nor the fact that the rate will include other services whose cost is not specified and affect the rate you go up, for example, hiring companies like Ragpickers Emmaus or spot clean.
Socialist Spokesman said that the Municipal Socialist Group also submit claims against the new rate of 125 € for marrying at City Hall, because it includes costs that are abusive and do not even conform to the reality and impact negatively on the rate.
Finally, the PSOE has claimed against various unfair fees on license applications, certificates urban, technical reports, etc..
and are not justified or accurately detailed, including the new fee for processing a building permit for not presenting more technical and economic report required by the legislation.
This new rate will be at least 600 € for works up to 100,000 €, but surprisingly, 500 € for € de100.001 works, one euro more.
The PSOE, which has not been able to stop tax increases approved by the council, as the IBI, the economic activity, building permits or vehicle not intended to pass these rate increases it considers abusive.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura