Railway Company (Murcia) is the drama HIMMELWEG on Friday 2 December at 21.00 pm in the Teatro Villa de Molina (Chorrico Avenue, No. 10).
The ticket price is 10 euros.
This is the last show of the program of events celebrating the sixth anniversary of the Teatro Villa de Molina, which takes place from November 25 to December 2 (the theater was inaugurated on November 29, 2005).
Himmelweg (The Way to Heaven) reminds us how, in June 1944, Nazi propaganda organized in the Terezin concentration camp, a few kilometers from Prague, a staging that Jewish prisoners forced to interpret the happy scenes country life, written for the occasion by their own executioners.
They tried to deceive the Red Cross inspector sent as an international observer mission to find out the reality of the rumors spoke of Jewish extermination.
Himmelweg about a man who looks like most people we know, has a sincere desire to help others, wants to be supportive, he scares the pain of others.
But also, like most people we know, this man is not strong enough to trust what you say and show.
It is not strong enough to discover that The Way of Heaven (Himmelweg) may be the name of hell.
It is not strong enough to see the hell that extends beneath their feet.
Advance sales of tickets can be made Monday through Friday at the offices of the Theatre (in Chorrico Avenue, No. 10, or call 968 64 02 68, 09.00 hours to 14.00 hours), and in building the catch (at Calle Mayor, or phone 968 38 86 77, from 16.00 to 21.00).
They can also be purchased through the internet, and www.ticketmaster.es www.molinadigital.es addresses, and Fnac and Halcon Viajes.
And at the box office from two hours before the show starts.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura