Txalo Productions (Basque Country) is the comedy special occasion, Bernard Slade, starring with Kiti Manver and Jorge Roelas and directed by Juan Carlos Rubio, on Friday 18 November at 21.00 pm in the Teatro Villa de Molina (Avenida del Chorrico, No. 10).
The ticket price is 15 euros.
Lola and Victor divorce.
A long and happy marriage (which has given himself to have three beautiful children) thrown overboard.
Every man for himself, but, despite their separation, their paths will cross again and again over ten years, in some (and hilarious) special occasions.
And always (although they try to hide it) will have in them a latent desire to restore the broken pieces of a relationship that broke them too soon.
Of course how to differentiate the love of friendship?
As summarized in a time of Victor's work "is so simple when you tell a friend I love you right? Because when you tell a lover immediately asks how much you love me?, You love me forever?. But a friend, is simple. It is much easier to understand. No more adjectives or questions. "
Advance sales of tickets can be made Monday through Friday at the offices of the Theatre (in Chorrico Avenue, No. 10, or call 968 64 02 68, 09.00 hours to 14.00 hours), and in building the catch (at Calle Mayor, or phone 968 38 86 77, from 16.00 to 21.00).
They can also be purchased through the internet, and www.ticketmaster.es www.molinadigital.es addresses, and Fnac and Halcon Viajes.
And at the box office from two hours before the show starts.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura