The Local Police of Molina de Segura, in coordination with the Traffic Department, held in the municipality, between 14 and 18 November, a Special Campaign on Children and School Transport.
The objective of this initiative is that vehicles providing transportation such appropriate technical conditions, that these and the available service personnel authorizations that are enforceable, and driving is performed in the best conditions as set the regulations.
A rule in which local agents Molina de Segura are perfectly formed, as the Traffic Unit of the local police have made in recent years a number of specific courses on the subject.
Councilman Public Safety, City Fortunato Arias, said that "despite the bus is a means of transport which has an index of harmfulness quite low compared to the car, the special sensitivity that we have on children also makes this transport we must take extreme measures and controls on road safety, taking into account that, according to the DGT, a good percentage of bus accidents occur in urban areas. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura