Women's centers of Molina de Segura have the opportunity to know the characteristics of Murcia Cheese Denomination of Origin.
From the day October 19, 2011 and until the spring of 2012 conducted a program of outreach activities and process tastings Murcian goat cheese in the 23 local social centers.
The Councillor for Equality and Citizenship of the City of Molina de Segura, Maria Remedios Lopez Paredes, and the President of the Control Board and Director General of Livestock and Fisheries in the Region of Murcia, Adolfo Falagas Prieto, formalized last July, the guidelines collaboration, which have been recently finalized.
According to the Councillor for Equality, "these activities promote knowledge of the rich variety of cuisine in our region and in particular the Murcian goat cheese, while promoting healthy food practice among the attendees."
From the Control Board, its President, Adolfo Falagas, notes that "this new series of tastings in Molina de Segura can be understood as a work of continuity following the campaigns conducted over the past three years in the municipalities of Murcia, Cartagena, Jumilla. "
At this time we made a total of 118 tastings, with the participation of over 3,500 housewives interested in receiving practical training in the art of cheese tasting and learn in detail the characteristics of the Murcian goat cheese covered by the designations of Origin Queso de Murcia Curado and Fresco and Queso de Murcia al Vino.
Specialized technical staff tasting panel of the Control Board Cheese Murcia is responsible for developing these tastings, and an explanation concerning its development and history.
The content consists of a multimedia presentation which provides participants with theoretical notions in preparation for the tasting (basics of cheese, cheese history of Murcia and sensory analysis of cheese).
Finally, we performed a guided tasting of three cheeses (Queso de Murcia al Vino Cheese, Queso Fresco and Murcia Murcia Curado), in each case describing attributes of these cheeses, as its smell, texture and taste between other.
The schedule of tastings can be found on the web www.quesosdemurcia.blogspot.com and the City of Molina de Segura www.molinadesegura.es.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura