The signing of a cooperation agreement between the Federation of Large Families of the Region of Murcia (FANUMUR) and the Centro Comercial Abierto de Molina de Segura for retail development through implementation of advantages to large families has been associated with FANAMUR place on Friday March 4, in the city of Molina de Segura.
The event was attended by the Mayor of town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, FANAMUR President Gonzalo Sanchez Roca, Manager of Mall Association Open Molina de Segura, María José Sánchez Fernández, Councillor of Social Welfare, Worship Molina Lopez and the Councillor of Commerce, Sonia Carrillo Marble.
That agreement establishes the terms of collaboration between the Open and FANUMUR Mall, and empowers retail partners to apply for inclusion in the Family Plan + developed by FANUMUR Municipalities, an independent, nonprofit, whose work is protection and assistance to large families.
+ Family Plan is a social initiative created to improve the quality of life of large families, and developed through the collaboration of a group of companies offering these families their products and services on favorable terms.
The fee to be associated with FANUMUR is 36 per year per family.
Accede trade should be placed in the window or in a prominent place the sticker for families to identify the trade as included in the Family Plan + Municipalities.
You also agree to make a discount of at least 5% to all clients associated with FANUMUR to prove it.
The specific percentage discount must be recorded in the membership form and is valid for one year.
Trade also will join the Consumer Arbitration in the Region of Murcia.
For its part, FANUMUR be published on their website the signing of this agreement and the name, logo, link, location, and any necessary data for identification of shops belonging to the Family Plan + Municipalities.
Also published in his magazine newspaper (Family On) the trade name and location attached location.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura