The delegate of ERDF in Murcia, Juan Carrion, congratulates molinense Rare Disorders Association (AMER), the Department of Health of the City of Molina de Segura and Medical Research Foundation Molina de Segura (FEM) for organizing actions will be developed on the occasion of World Day for Rare Diseases.
The Department of Health of the City of Molina de Segura and molinense Association for Rare Diseases (AMER) has organized an extensive program of activities marking the World Day for Rare Diseases, in collaboration with the Medical Research Foundation Molina de Segura ( FEM), the Official College of Pharmacists of Murcia and La Caixa: Most of the events will be held on Monday, February 28 - Reading and adherence to the declaration of equality of opportunity for the celebration of the Full Council Molina de Segura, which starts at 10.00 - Awareness Campaign We few, we are many, throughout the day.
- From 16.30 to 20.00 pm in the College of Education Child Paseo Rosales will celebrate the Feast InfantilLos smaller sensitize us with bouncy castle, ball pool and animation.
Also act Cantabaila (Music Box).
- From 17.00 to 20.00 pm in the College of Education Child Paseo Rosales, will install an information table, with the presence of health professionals, patients and families and associations of the municipality, to collect signatures to join the Decalogue of the Spanish Federation Rare Diseases (ERDF) on facilities, services, and referral units.
- At 18.00 pm in the College of Education Child Paseo Rosales, CuentacuentosCuentos representation of solidarity, by the group La Chispa de Molina de Segura.
- At 19.30 pm in the auditorium of the College of Education Child Paseo Rosales, will be two DISCLOSURE CONFERENCE scientists organized by the Foundation for Medical Studies of Molina de Segura (FEM), the City molinense, Hospital Molina, America, and the Official College of Pharmacists of Murcia, sponsored by the Caixa.
The lectures will be presented and coordinated by José Antonio Lozano Teruel, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Murcia and Chairman of the WEF, and are as follows:
Chagas disease: a reality in Murcia, given by Manuel Segovia Hernández, Professor of Genetics and Microbiology, University of Murcia, Head of Microbiology and Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Unit of Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, and Director the FEM.
2.Pasado, present and future of haemophilia, given by Manuel Moreno Moreno, hematologist at the Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca and President of the Murcia Regional Association of Hemophilia.
Finally, on Thursday 3 March at 20.00 pm in the Casino de Molina de Segura (in Plaza de la Constitution), will hold a gathering on Rare Diseases.
Source: FEDER Murcia