The billing period begins on March 4 and ends on May 5, while a total of 3,112 vehicles are exempt from payment this year
The Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura has approved the tax rolls of Motor Vehicle (IVTM) for 2011, valued at EUR 3,596,815.69 (3,542,997.68 euros compared to the census of 2010 ), and included 43,522 vehicles (in 2010 there were 42,684 tax units), as reported by the Department of Finance, Victoria Gomez Alcazar.
The pattern includes, in addition, 3.112 vehicles exempted from payment for various reasons (disability, etc.). IVTM in this year, compared to 2,914 vehicles exempted last year.
The billing period begins on March 4 and ends on May 5, 2011.
The Councillor of Finance highlighted "the high number of residents whose vehicles are exempt from IVTM, demonstrating the firm commitment of the government team for social subsidies, contrary to the claims of some opposition political parties who try to confuse citizens with alleged unjustified alarm welfare cuts, which is negated with the reality of our management. You can make social policy from fiscal policy, and so does the government team Molina City Council for sure. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura