The spokesman for the city of IU-Greens in the city of Molina de Segura, Chema Moreno, today criticized the plan's feasibility Sercom commercial undertaking, considering that "suffers from escalation."
According to Moreno, this plan includes a linear reduction of 10 percent in the salaries of the staff of the company, regardless of wage differentials between the various professionals who work there.
"This is a plan that puts in place a very bulky-paid executives and workers who fail to mileuristas", has added the spokesman for the coalition.
He has also denounced "the mismanagement that has been made, and that has led to a company that has come to check in a year 20 million now looks in a financial predicament as that suffers."
For Moreno, "most of the responsibility for this situation is for the council, it would not be necessary if this ought not to Sercom nearly 6 million poor product and worse forecasts negotiations."
Source: IURM