MEP United Left (IU) Willy Meyer has asked the European Commission (EC) to investigate and re-urbanization that has driven the city of Molina de Segura on an area of high environmental value residential complex next to 'La Alcayna' .
In a statement, Meyer has indicated that the municipality of Molina in 2006 approved the reclassification of an area of more than two million square meters to build about 6000 homes and a golf course, although it was reserved for reforestation forestry and farming.
The MEP has said the project is a "nonsense" and urged the EC to review it before the "possible violation" of European environmental directives.
It has also indicated that the municipality of Molina took the land went from forest to agricultural land area undeveloped forest special protection to reclassify the land and administrative authorizations granting construction and real estate.
Source: IURM