José Ballesta said that "pricing will simplify Molina de Segura before the summer, which will benefit 1.7 million passengers per year, which can travel more for less money
Tariff simplification will allow a resident of this town who moves to the Arrixaca pay only 1 euro for the journey, rather than the current 2.65 euros
The Minister of Public Works and Planning, José Ballesta, and the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras, today signed an agreement for cooperation for the implementation of streamlining the number of tariffs and unification of systems and payment areas public transport services, an agreement that will extend to the entire metropolitan area of Murcia over the coming months.
The adviser said that "cooperation between the two administrations and the desire to bring the citizens of Molina de Segura a network of public transport, more affordable and attractive, will enable the flat rate reaches the town before the summer, which will benefit Over 1.7 million users a year, traveling more for less money. "
In this sense, José Ballesta said that "with the simplified fare all citizens of Molina de Segura can be moved by the municipality and the city of Murcia and hamlets, with the same bonds, a measure that would benefit from a reciprocal residents of the capital, where it is already implemented flat rate since last December 3. "
The new system has been designed to encourage the use of public transport, so the more you use public transport, lower the price paid per trip.
In addition, decriminalization transfers, which are free on all bus routes in the town of Molina de Segura Murcia.
For example, a neighbor of Molina de Segura who goes to The Arrixaca pay only 1 euro for the whole journey with Bono 10, rather than the current 2.65 euros.
"Thus, by removing barriers between municipalities and one backbone transmission network across the metropolitan area of Murcia, so that citizens no longer have to think about specific lines, but in the public transport network in Overall, where users can travel without limits, "added the director.
R + D + i
The agreement signed today is also in Molina de Segura implementation of pioneering projects in R + D + I developed by the Public Transport Authority to improve the reliability, timeliness and quality of public transport in the municipality.
"The goal is to bring new technologies to serve the public to ensure a modern public transport and quality service to all users," said José Ballesta.
Among the major innovations that the municipality will feature the new stops TIME: BUS, which allow for free the exact arrival time of the bus in real time via Bluetooth mobile phone system, the SMS messaging service: BUS , which reduces waiting times at the stop, and the BIDI: BUS, a unique system in Spain that allows us to know, through the mobile phone camera, information on public transport.
Rates of 88 to just three
The simplification of the current supply in the municipality molinense rates will move from the 88 titles currently available transport to only three: the UNIBON, Bono 10 'My Travels' and the regular ticket.
In addition, the City will maintain social bonds for large families and retirees.
The new system responds to the Plan to Promote Public Transport in the Region of Murcia, developed by the Public Transport Authority, and adapts to different user profiles.
Thus, the UNIBON 'No Limits' allows unlimited travel for just 30 euros a month, a rate cut to 20 euros for all students of any formal training.
For its part, the people who opt for the bonus 10 'My Trips' may make ten travel packages an hour with free transfer on all bus routes in the town of Molina de Segura and Murcia, for a price of ten euros.
This payment system encourages the use of public transport and rewards users who use it most, because the more you travel unless the travel costs.
So, if you make four journeys for an hour, the fare will be $ 0.25, if three, is of 0.33 euros, if the user makes two trips the price will be 0.50, while if you travel only once is 1 euro.
Source: CARM