The Mayor and Speaker Candidate socialist Antonio Gomariz, expressed his satisfaction with the commitments made at the plenary session December 20, 2010, because we hold out hope that Molina will take more steps back in rights and conquests achieved, as Murcia public transport, the construction of a third health center or residence of people over Cañada de las Eras.
Antonio Gomariz "to be approved the proposals of the PSOE 3 strengthens the municipal unit and we have more strength to defend the interests of molinense Murcia before the City Council or the Regional Government."
Are at risk some historic gains, as the commitment to build a third clinic, which disappears from the regional budget of 2011, transportation between the Alcayna or Altorreal in Murcia, because it tries to force to change at Espinardo taking the tram or residence of dependent elderly, a glaring failure of Molina CP, since 2 ½ years after winning the company has not placed a single brick.
Antonio Gomariz "The goal now should be to create jobs, grow in peace and not taking steps backward on the acquired rights and the struggle must be together in the interest of Molina."
Now it is hoped that the PP defend tooth and nail these commitments unanimous in defending the general interest and making a common front against the cuts sought by the Regional Government or the City of Murcia and resolve non-compliance and failure of the residence, engaging the Autonomous Region in the construction of public housing for seniors.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura