After breakfast Begoña García Retegui shared with SMEs, cooperatives and farmers' organizations and trade unions in Molina de Segura, the candidate continued his journey in the town with a visit to the Association of the Mentally Ill Family and Molina, AFESMO.
There the leaders of the association recognized the candidate to the Law Unit has been a very important step in the consolidation of social services.
Begoña García Retegui, accompanied by Secretary of Organization of the Municipal Group Socialist Antonio Gomariz, chatted with some of the users of this center, even presented him with a handcrafted jewelry.
During his visit, the Socialist candidate was found that the implementation of Plan E is to be effective: "With the aid of Plan E, AFESMO new center will have a more comprehensive facilities," noted the candidate.
From AFESMO moved to Begoña García Retegui the uncoordinated efforts, as reported, between the health and social services: "Nobody has looked at the coordination of these services end up being poor," said the candidate.
Uncoordinated efforts is reflected in the fact that the definition of Day Care Center is not the same in the health sector in the IMAS.
"If there is a good plan of action to coordinate health and social services, we face what is happening: there are no resources to care properly for users or resources that are not useful because it works uncoordinated" Retegui said.
The candidate lamented the absence of an agreement to establish agreements between the region and AFESMO in funding: "At present, this group depends on annual grants and that translates into a lack of security for the association that threatens resources and the services offered to users. "
Retegui also visited the Institute of Secondary Education Francisco de Goya.
There, the center's director said the candidate is concerned that the promotion of the training of Vocational Regional Government is just words.
The irrigators demand answers
The Socialist candidate also met during his visit to Molina de Segura with the Irrigation Association, among many other issues require clarification of the debt situation for the cost of the modernization of irrigation works.
Irrigators urged Begoña García Retegui the PSOE intercede for them because the PP has been positioned with the Board of Landowners: "We have been asked to mediate a matter that affects them for three years [...] I am committed to studying the matter to the River Basin to try to help as much as possible, "promised Retegui.
During the afternoon, the candidate also met with various neighborhood associations in the municipality claiming, among other things, improvements in infrastructure and municipal services and accuse the Autonomous Region and the Municipality of Molina de Segura to base their management speculation and not work in the service of citizens.
Begoña García Retegui be tomorrow on a visit to Abarán in his fourth day tour of the Region of Murcia.