Affiliates in Molina de Segura UPyD have chosen today by primary process, the young molinense Encarna Rodríguez Hernández, to head the list that this political formation presented in the May 2011 elections for the municipality of Molina de Segura.
Hernandez, 31, who now heads the party communication at the regional level, is a journalist and researcher and lecturer on issues related to the European Union.
Hernandez, who will compete in the race to the Consistory molinense with Eduardo Contreras, Antonio Gomariz and Antonio López Vidal said that the proposed EP UPyD Molina citizens "present a strong and viable program, based on transparency, feedback of democracy, citizen participation and molinense real problems. "
"We are a young and complex game, he says things that are clear and have mortgages to anything or anyone.
Work for citizens, and promise not to disappoint, "he said.
UPyD end and the process of electing their chief candidates for upcoming regional and municipal elections, offering the same possibilities of eligibility to any affiliate (without collateral or firms) and focusing on internal democracy as a hallmark of the party.
Source: UPyD Molina de Segura