Antonio Lopez, known as "El Moreno" will head the list of United Left mayor of Molina de Segura in the municipal elections of 2011, after his candidacy has been endorsed in the municipal assembly of this political.
Lopez has been presented today at a press conference held outdoors in front of the city council by the local coordinator and Councillor IU-LV, Chema Moreno, and the regional coordinator of IU in Murcia, José Antonio Pujante.
The new candidate has said that its main concern is the "highest" rate of unemployment of Molina de Segura, higher than the state average, and has insisted that the work of the council should focus on "go out and stand beside the worst that it happens. "
Has chosen to give a greater role to citizens in municipal affairs and promote environmental policies that protect the garden, while the casing has rejected the section of the river Segura affecting the municipality.
It has also confident that IU will double its number of councilors in the municipality molinense and that in any case, the training "will continue to work with social movements and other sectors."
For its part, Chema López Moreno has described as "a person for the long haul, which has shown its concern on social issues related to the world of culture and known by the spread of panocho."
It has also highlighted his work in the struggle for demands of employees Carmosa after Cartonajes La Huerta, which led to the assumption by the workers in this factory as well as the head of the Federation of Associations of Parents of Students .
José Antonio Pujante said that "what matters is the collective projects" and called for a new law on local funding for municipalities to address social needs guarantees.
Source: IURM