Socialist spokesman at City Hall, Antonio Gomariz, the City Council today demanded that restores the focus on children (CAI) in The Alcayna, built on municipal land, and furnished with public money and developed with public funds.
The CAI has been awarded to a company that can admit or reject students based on their interests, without regard to public scales, without deadlines and without the guarantees of a public trial to be held, as do the municipal nursery schools or other places agreed .
Antonio Gomariz the City "is to ride roughshod Municipal Ordinance and have to explain why leaving the center out of the ordinance and the conditions do not apply the same odds.
This operation breaks a public model equation solidarity child over 30 years in Molina and gives back to families and public education.
This model of all rights and benefits to the business and all charges for the citizens is similar to "model Esperanza Aguirre" and Mayor Molina becomes the No. 1 fan of it.
The Socialist Party denounced the whole process was very suspicious, because it was conducted without transparency or scrutiny required when rights are involved, families and public resources.
Both the opposition and other agents have been informed no real possibility of participation.
It also leaves the company free to admit and select students and there has been no public announcement or the places have been offered for families molinense, knowing that this center would be opened soon.
Allows the company to operate almost indefinitely the heritage center and fully paid with public funds, puts the City on his knees before companies even required to compensate for losses if the enrollment is lower than expected or left defenseless families, free under a municipal ordinance or regulation.
Municipal Spokesperson and mayoral candidate has requested an explanation for the award under these conditions and asked for the interests he is defending the PP in the City and who might be interested in this has been done so because they are necessary explanations for the peace of the citizenry.
The PSOE will be asked to stop this award, who will rescue center so that all spaces are public and the entire process of admission, rights, guarantees and quotas are those prevailing in the municipal ordinance and the same for all families to avoid more situations of inequality, discrimination or injustice.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura