The Minister of Social Policy, Women and Migration, Joaquín Bascuñana, accompanied by the managing director of the Instituto Murciano Social Action (IMAS), Isabel Sola, and the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras, opened today in the hamlet of La molinense Bank supervised housing with 13 beds managed by the Association for the Mentally Ill Family and Molina (Afesmo), whose scope will include the towns of Ceuta, Lorqui Cotillas Towers, Alguazas, Archena, Villanueva del Segura and Alhama de Murcia.
The cost of the project including land value, amounting to 266,667 euros.
The house is located in the heart of Orchard Molina de Segura, in the old schools.
Users are 10 men and 3 women aged between 18 and 64 years with chronic mental illness, which will be attended by five assistants carers and social educator.
Plus room and board, have laundry services, transportation, supervision, medical care, skills and education program for health and hygiene.
Also in the day center Afesmo is attended Monday to Friday have counseling, sports activities, rehabilitation and integration, occupational and labor integration workshops.
The association ordered the old school, whose use was donated by the City Council for a period of 75 years to build housing.
Likewise, the municipality has made the restoration work, funded with € 200,000 by the Department.
Until the transfer occurred, the patients lived in two apartments rented by the association, so that new facilities significantly improve their living conditions, since they have more space and gardens that provide a higher quality of life and better living.
This organization now has other supervised housing in San Francisco's city streets, with capacity for 14 seats, together with La Ribera, totaling 27.
Counseling and Afesmo signed this year a management contract for the reservation and occupation of 27 seats in sheltered housing in the municipality molinense to treat people with chronic mental illness is valid until April 20, 2012.
Thus, the IMAS provide 685,706 euros for the period 2010-2012, while residents will contribute 171,426 euros, so the amount to be received by the Association is 857,132 euros.
Source: CARM