The 2010 Festival of the hamlet of El Romeral of Molina de Segura, in honor of San Jose, will run until Sunday 1 August.
The events planned are:
Friday July 30
20.00, costumed tour across several areas of the parish.
22.00, community dinner, and tortillas competitions and costumes.
Saturday July 31
10.00, traditional games and children's entertainment at the fairgrounds.
14.00, communal meal.
18.00, triangular football.
21.00, dinner and performance of the cupletista Mary Nicholas.
24.00 pm, performance Antuán Muñoz and his group.
Sunday, August 1
09.30 hours, healthy breakfast.
10.00, VI March for Loma Blanca and I Coto Cuadros Tour in Mountain Bike.
14.00 pm awards ceremony.
14.30 hours, giant paella.
22.00, musical evening.
24.00 pm, fireworks finale.
00.30 pm, fireworks.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura