The City of Molina de Segura, through the Social Welfare Department, informing residents of the municipality on the existence of several cases of alleged false social workers who visited homes of older people by posing as municipal social workers.
As explained by the Councillor for Social Welfare, Worship Molina Lopez, "in the last three months, the Center for Social Services has been aware of some cases that coincide in the same mode of action by the false social workers, according to the which is to the homes of people of very advanced age and with a high degree of dependency, false official approval, in order to enter the interior of the house. "
In some cases, affected persons have not agreed to the suspects sought by the visiting, and have simply not open the door, although it has been a case of theft in a housing.
Therefore, the Councillor for Social Welfare has made a "wake-up call to citizens, especially those of advanced age, suspicious situations like these that should be reported as quickly as possible in order to locate the alleged false social workers. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura