The Patron Saint of the parish of The Landing of Molina, in honor of the Virgen del Carmen, will take place from Thursday 15 to Sunday 18 July.
The events scheduled are:
Thursday, July 15
10.00 am, ringing of bells and firing rockets.
11.00, children's competitions.
21.00, opening the lighting and the fairgrounds.
23.00 hours, youth party with mobile disk.
Friday July 16
10.00 am, ringing of bells and firing rockets.
11.00 am, children's games.
20.30, mass, wreath and pray to the patron saint of the savior.
23.00 pm, performance of the group scenes, and a dance with entertainment by Trio Watercolor.
Saturday, July 17
09.00 hours, firing rockets.
17.30, U.S. Youth Soccer Championship Trophy 2010 Virgen del Carmen Festival.
19.00, caliche Grand Prix Events The Landing 2010.
20.30 pm Mass in honor of the patron.
23.30, verbena enlivened by the group return.
02.00 hours, monumental Japanese fireworks.
04.00 hours, gachasmigas.
Sunday July 18
09.00 hours, ringing of bells and firing rockets.
12.00, children's bicycle race.
17.30, final youth soccer championship.
18.30, ribbon race.
20.30, Mass and procession with the image of the Virgen del Carmen.
22.30 pm, fireworks.
23.00 pm, performance of the Sun Kings Trio
02.00 pm, fireworks finale.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura