Antonio Gomariz, Municipal Secretary General and spokesman of the PSOE de Molina, has called on rough press a commitment to the sport of Molina, especially the grassroots sport and sport in schools.
He criticized that leave the sport "abandoned to their fate" and has no social relevance and educational merits.
Clubs and teams Molina need more support and more resources, and less use of sport electioneering, referring to the propaganda and galas do not skimp on expenses.
Socialist Spokesman for the City of Molina is "underperforming" with molinense sport.
He recalled that the City has cut some 500,000 sport molinense €, municipal deficits by 2008 and 2009, has been cut nearly 90% of aid to clubs and teams in two years.
Antonio Gomariz data provided Alguazas Township, where aid to 7 clubs in 2010 was of € 16,700 while Molina, with nearly 50 active teams and clubs, will have € 11,800 in the departure of aid.
In addition to that in 2010 not a single euro for investment, there are schools that have been left without swimming school for the withdrawal of municipal support, has gone the Half Marathon, has cut school sports, lack of support to athletics, facilities and lack there are difficulties in practice, training and participation in final competitions of various clubs and teams.
The Socialist Party demands the immediate convocation of the aid in 2010 for clubs and teams, because it means survival for most of them and called for an extraordinary call to aid in the first quarter of 2011 to offset the losses of 2009 and 2010.
Antonio Gomariz proposed to create a Municipal Sports Council for participation in sports clubs and public sports management, plus a plan to allow the sports facilities and sports training of all clubs and teams and a reform agenda of places and to improve public spaces and sports facilities include free and permanent.
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura