Nacho Vilar Producciones (Murcia) presents the comedy UN RACIMO DE PíCAROS, directed by Jorge Fullana, on Friday, April 27, at 9:00 pm, at the Villa de Molina Theater (at Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The price of admission is 10 euros.
This show is subsidized by the Plan Scene of the Institute of Cultural Industries and Arts of the Region of Murcia.
A bunch of rogues, starring actors Blas Sánchez and Salva Riquelme, is an entertaining tour of the picaresque classics of Spanish literature: Guzmán de Alfarache, El Buscón, Lazarillo de Tormes, La Pícara Justina, etc.
Cortadillo is imprisoned in the Seville of the seventeenth century Oh, what bad luck, just when he and his partner of fatigue, Rinconete, had decided not to continue with that life so lost and bad!
But Rinconete does not abandon him.
Together, and with their usual wit, they devise a plan to try to get free and Rinconete sneaks into the trial, posing as the prosecutor.
They will place on the judgment table all their aces hidden in the sleeve and on the tables of the theater all their rogue weapons.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura