Eugenia Manzanera (Madrid) stars and directs, along with Magdalena Labarga, the children's musical show RETAHILANDO, Fetén Prize 2017 for the best children's show, on Sunday, April 22, at 12:00 hours, Room 2 of the Villa de Molina Theater (in Avenida del Chorrico, n ° 10).
The music is by Laura Nadal.
The price of the ticket is 5 euros.
In Retahilando, the weaver who weaves the world is called Sis sas and she is sooo old.
She weaves and weaves, weaves time all the time.
People are born, weaves of stories.
A life ... a weave of time.
Time to spin, thread, baste, knit, mend, relate ... sew and sing.
Stories from a past time, objects that are stories, songs with aromas from Mediterranean countries.
In Retahilando everything remembers, but nothing is accurate.
As in a dream.
Retahilando is a show where laughter and laughter are at the hem of everything, both for the adult audience and for the infant.
An actress and a musician entangling and pulling the thread.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura