The Venerable Confraternity of the Holy Burial of Molina de Segura will dye the streets of the city black and white with the Procession of the Holy Burial, which is celebrated on March 30, Good Friday, starting at 9:00 p.m.
Some 400 Nazarenes, dressed in black and white tunics in mourning, participate in the parade along with the Band of Drums of the Brotherhood, music bands and a quartet of violins.
The parade begins with the Band of Drums of the Brotherhood and the Penitential Banner, which marks the penitential motive of the procession.
After them, appears the Christ of the Consuelo, work of the Murcian sculptor José Hernández Navarro, followed by La Piedad, a set also made by Hernández Navarro.
Then procession the old standard of the Brotherhood (1945), the Third of the Holy Cross with Mary Magdalene, the third work of Hernández Navarro.
It is followed by the Tercio del Santo Cristo Yacente, which accompanies the Lord of the Bed, the work of the Molinense Bernabé Gil Riquelme, courted by censers and drums announcing his arrival, and by violins after his passing.
Finally, the image of the Virgen de la Soledad, by Bernabé Gil, accompanied by the Third of Ladies of La Soledad, thirty ladies with a Spanish mantilla, like the fifteen Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, puts an end to the procession of the Santo Entierro.
The procession will leave from the Chapel and Headquarters of the Brotherhood, in the Street Santo Sepulcro, to cross Greater Street, Street Station, Rosales Walk, Place of the Murcian Region, Street Culture, Street Pensioner, Place of the Church of Ntra. Sra. of the Assumption, Consolation Street, Immaculate Plaza, and it will end again in Calle Santo Sepulcro.
The Brotherhood of Santo Entierro organizes the procession of Good Friday since 1992.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura