The Procession of Silence, organized for the thirty-third consecutive year by the Illustrious Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of Sorrows of Molina de Segura, is celebrated on Holy Thursday, March 29, at 9:00 p.m.
The processional parade begins in the Hermitage of San Roque, with the images of: the Fall of Jesus Nazareno, realized by Luis Salmerón;
La Dolorosa, by the molinense sculptor Bernabé Gil;
and the Santísimo Christ of the Sorrows, holder of the Brotherhood, work also of Bernabé Gil.
All this in the middle of a strict order and a moving silence, punctuated by the singing of arrows in some points of the route.
The procession runs along Calle Mayor, Calle Estación, Paseo Rosales, Calle Cultura, Calle Pensionista, Plaza de la Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción, Calle Consolación, Plaza Inmaculada, Calle Sepulcro, Calle Mayor, to finish again in the Hermitage of San Roque, where the image of the Fall and the Sorrowful receive the holder of the Brotherhood.
With the arrival of the Christ of Sorrows to the Plaza of the Church Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción, the doors of the temple open to pray an Our Father and sing an arrow.
The Illustrious Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Sorrows is based in the Hermitage of San Roque and was the first to process in Holy Week Molinense after the restoration of this in 1986, which is why it is known as the mother brotherhood.
It is composed of around 420 brothers, dressed in purple and black robes.
Its headquarters are located since 2002 in Calle Huerto Fayrén.
It was founded in 1945 by the Brotherhood of Labradores de Molina de Segura.
At that time going through the streets of Molina a single throne, the Christ of Sorrows, leaving the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption.
In 1985, it was re-founded, thus recovering the following year the Holy Week of Molinense, which, according to some writings, has its beginnings in the seventeenth century.
During the time that has elapsed since its refoundation, the Brotherhood has carried out important actions such as the restoration of the Hermitage of San Roque, the acquisition of new thrones for the images of the Holy Christ of Sorrows and the Sorrowful, the restoration of the image of the Christ of Sorrows, acquisition of new images, etc.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura