The PROCESSION OF CHILDREN, integrated only by children and organized, for the twelfth year, by the Superior Chapter of Pastoral Brotherhoods of Molina de Segura, will take place on Sunday, March 18, starting at 6:00 p.m., from the Church of Ntra. Mrs. of the Assumption.
Some 300 children from the confraternities of the Resurrection and the Holy Burial will parade.
Four images make up the processional parade: Niño de la Pasión (work of the Molinense sculptor Bernabé Gil);
Nazareno de los Niños (by Ramón Cuenca);
Cristo de la Encarnación (by an anonymous author);
and Virgen del Primer Dolor (from the Salzillo school, from the 19th century).
The procession departs from the Church Square of Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción and continues through Ramón y Cajal Street, Plaza de la Constitución, Calle Cultura, Mayor and Santa Teresa, Paseo Rosales, Plaza de la Región Murciana, Calle Cultura and Pensioner and return to Plaza de la Iglesia, arriving at approximately 9:00 p.m.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura